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Tending the Flame Workshop Focuses on Resilience for Healthcare Professionals

RISHI at Pure Healthcare Tending the Flame™ Workshop Helps Healthcare Professionals Find Meaning in Their Daily Work

RISHI at Pure Healthcare recently hosted a Tending the Flame™ Workshop, a 2-1/2-day workshop that focused on personal and professional resilience for healthcare professionals. This in-person workshop was held at the Mills Park Hotel in Yellow Springs, Ohio, April 30-May 2.

The workshop was led by Rachel Naomi Remen, MD; Evangeline Andarsio, MD; Alyssa McManamon, MD; Mary Pat Thomas, MS, RN, AHN-BC; and Laurie Fonken, PhD, utilizing the award-winning discovery model methods of RISHI’s national and international educational programs. 

Tending the Flame was attended by physicians, dentists and other healthcare professionals engaged in residency programs, healthcare organizations and medical associations. All participants followed COVID-19 safety guidelines, including social distancing and wearing face masks. 

This training offered participants the opportunity to discover the power of meaning to transform the experience of their daily work. They used reflection, poetry, symbolism, narrative, art, journaling, generous listening, and small group sharing to revisit their original calling and discover the personal meaning hidden in their daily routine as a healthcare professional. 

Participants also learned self-help methods to reclaim and sustain the passion for their profession. This time together revitalized their commitment and reinvigorated their service intention. Through this workshop, participants were prepared and excited to offer the program to their colleagues and the residents they train and educate.

RISHI at Pure Healthcare has two upcoming events, “The Healer’s Art™ Faculty Development Training,” July 14-18, 2021, and “Power of Nursing™ Faculty Workshop,” July 14-18, 2021. To learn more about these events, please visit:  

RISHI (The Remen Institute for the Study of Health & Illness) at Pure Healthcare, contributes to healing the culture of healthcare through innovative educational programs and the formation of supportive communities. Its programs provide innovative tools, practices and resources to enable health professionals to sustain their service values, their humanity and their passion for their work. 

Making each day matter.™ By taking a person-centered care approach and addressing more than a person’s symptoms, Pure Healthcare is working to make healthcare better. Pure Healthcare values the unique circumstance of each person it serves and develops an individual-based plan for areas they define as most meaningful to improve health and quality of life. Pure Healthcare collaborates and coordinates with primary and other healthcare professionals to provide seamless transitions across healthcare settings and ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of health care services. 

For more information about Pure Healthcare, visit or call toll-free at 833.600.PURE or 833.600.7873.  

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