2025 Power of Nursing Faculty Development Workshop
July 9 @ 9:00 am - July 13 @ 12:30 pm
- Academic faculty from accredited nursing schools who are committed to serve as course directors and implement the curriculum at their institutions.
The overall goals of the Power of Nursing Faculty Development Training are:
- To train faculty in the planning and implementation of the Power of Nursing curriculum
- To support faculty in positioning the Power of Nursing curriculum within their institution.
- To teach faculty innovative approaches to strengthen and preserve the professionalism and resiliency of their nursing students.
- To validate values clarification, purpose and meaning as legitimate goals in healthcare education.
- To foster the appreciation of curriculum as a transformative; as well as, informative process.
- To foster relationships that are harmless, judgment-free and healing, between student and teacher, professional colleagues and with their patients.
- To validate contemplation, reflection and self-care as legitimate educational objectives.
- To broaden the understanding of the nature of self-care.
- To re-inspire faculty as educators and renew their commitment to teaching.
Faculty participants will be able to:
- Implement and evaluate a 15-hour experiential, transformational curriculum for M1 and M2 medical and healthcare students.
- Compare the transformational potential of the discovery model to the traditional cognitive/intellectual educational model.
- Discuss the shadow of medical education and strategies to detoxify it.
- Name three parameters of safe interactional space for learning and transformation.
- Use reflection and contemplation as major educational tools.
- List the characteristics of a Community of Inquiry approach to professional education.
- Lead a class exercise focused on discovering effective healing responses to the losses of others.
- Discuss grief and its importance in preventing burnout.
- Discuss grief’s impact on the ability to find meaning in professional work.
- Run a Finding Meaning group for faculty colleagues & peer professionals.
- Discuss the personal meaning of their work with peer professionals.
- Lead two class exercises in service, calling and professional commitment.
- Discuss the importance of silence and generous listening in transformational education.
- Facilitate a small group discovery model discussion.
Suzanne Scheller, MS, RN, CNE, Director of Power of Nursing, Associate Clinical Professor, Texas Woman’s University.
Evangeline C. Andarsio, MD, Director of RISHI, Clinical Professor of OB-GYN at Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine, Director of the National Healer’s Art curriculum for medical and veterinary medicine students.
Rachel Naomi Remen, MD, Founding Director of the Remen Institute for the Study of Health and Illness; Professor of Family Medicine at Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine and University of California at San Francisco School of Medicine; Founding Director of The Healer’s Art, A national curriculum for Medical Students; bestselling author of Kitchen Table Wisdom and My Grandfather’s Blessings.
Please Note: Dr. Remen may be available to offer her teachings via video for the workshop.
Faculty course directors must attend the 5-day Faculty Training prior to implementation of the course at their school or healthcare organization.
We strongly suggest that two course co-directors attend from each school or organization. Our experience has shown that implementation of the course is most successful when there are two co-directors to support each other during implementation, and further guarantees the continuity of the curriculum.
Prior to attending the course, the course director(s) must obtain verbal support from appropriate department heads, deans, and/or members of a curriculum committee expressing a level of interest in implementing the course at their school.
The course director(s) should have a plan for ongoing fiscal support for the course.
The course director(s) agree(s) to use a nationally standardized evaluation, provided by RISHI, for students and faculty participating in the course and submit a summative evaluation following the completion of each PON course
The PON course must be taught in its entirety as described in the The Power of Nursing: Embracing the Healer’s Art Manual and syllabus. PON is a workshop in nursing professional formation for nursing students. After completing the PON Faculty training, participants are able to offer workshops for nursing students and faculty. Any other use of the PON Manual and syllabus must be discussed with Evangeline Andarsio, MD, Director of RISHI.
The course director(s) must agree that modules cannot be incorporated into other professional courses, nor can the courses in their entirety be incorporated into other existing curricula without the consent of the copyright holder.
Submit your application online before June 9, 2025. All applications will be reviewed. We will let you know of acceptance to the workshop within one month of application. Here is a link to the application:
2025 Power of Nursing Faculty Development Workshop Application
Financial Information
Registration Fee: Due within 30 days of the acceptance of application.
- Nurses – $1800 – 4 ½ day Retreat and Training Workshop (Wednesday – Sunday)
Note: Registration fee includes breakfast and lunch, daily. Lodging and evening meals are the responsibility of the participant.
Cancellation & Refund Policy:
- 60 days or greater to the first day of Workshop = full registration fee refunded, less $100 administrative fee.
- 59 – 31 days or greater to the first day of Workshop = 50% of registration fee refunded, less $100 administrative fee.
- 30 days or less prior to the first day of Workshop = forfeit of full registration fee (100%).
Hotel, Travel, and Meal Information
Lodging: The retreat and training will be held at the Nationwide Hotel and Conference Center in Columbus, Ohio. The address is 100 Green Meadows Drive South, Lewis Center, OH 43035.
You can reserve your rooms after your application has been approved. Reservations can be made by calling (614) 880-4300 or via a link RISHI will provide you with your acceptance email.
We highly recommend making your reservations at The Nationwide Hotel and Conference Center as they provide an exceptional room rate on beautiful and peaceful grounds. The event venue is onsite and is easily accessible from all areas of the property.
Reserve your room no later than Saturday, June 9, 2025, to guarantee the RISHI block room rate of $179 + tax per night.
Additional lodging: We will provide names of alternative accommodation near the event upon request.
Travel: Participants fly in from all over the country to attend training. If you are arriving by plane and will be renting a car or using a taxi service, consider the following airport:
John Glenn International Airport CMH
18.2 miles from CMH to Nationwide Hotel and Conference Center
Meals: Breakfast and lunch are provided as part of registration fee.
- Evening meals and lodging are the responsibility of the of the participant.
Note: If you have a special diet or dietary need, please make sure you include your need on the application.
For more course information surrounding physicians and residents, nurses and nurse residents please contact RISHI’s Director, Evangeline C. Andarsio, M.D., at eandarsio@purehealthcare.org or 937.245.7450 ext. 2.
For questions regarding registration, payments, travel, hotel or other customer service issues, contact Becky Johnson at 326-222-3579 or rjohnson@purehealthcare.org.
CME Accreditation
DISCLOSURE POLICY: The Remen Institute for the Study of Health and Illness (RISHI) at Pure Healthcare® has implemented a process where everyone who is in a position to influence the content of the educational activity must disclose to learners any relevant financial relationship. Having an interest or affiliation with a corporate organization does not necessarily prevent the speaker from participating in the proposed CME activity. It is a policy of the CME Committee to resolve any conflicts of interest prior to the presentation.
DISCLOSURE INFORMATION: The speakers, presenters and planning committee members for this educational activity disclose no relevant financial relationship with commercial interests.
CME CATEGORY 1 APPROVAL: CME Information Forthcoming
Continuing Education for Nurses
BRN CE APPROVAL: Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP 10064, for 27.0 Contact Hours
California BRN continuing education credits are accepted by most state nursing boards; please verify with your state agency if you are outside of California
Disabilities Statement
As an organization accredited for continuing medical education (CME), Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine fully complies with the legal requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act rules and regulations. If any participant is in need of accommodations, written requests should be submitted at least one month in advance.
For more information, please contact Becky Johnson, Program Coordinator at 326-222-3579 or rjohnson@purehealthcare.org.